How to add Google Analytics to the Website?


Add Analytics to your Website

“Google Analytics is a web analytics tool made by Google that helps you to track your web pages for a better understanding of your customers”.

Google Analytics is an absolutely free online tool made by Google. GA measures your Digital Marketing efforts by comparing it with different variables.

In real-time GA tells about your website visitors on particular pages. The best part about Digital Marketing is that it is highly measurable. With analytics we can manage and measure the data easily.

If you have just made your website and haven’t configured Google Analytics yet, then I will tell you,  How to add google analytics to the Website?

How to put Google Analytics in WordPress site?

Add Google Analytics to WordPress plugin- MonsterInsights Plugin

  1. Open your WordPress Dashboard-
  2. After login to the WordPress Dashboard, go to plugins
  3. Add a new plugin called Monsterinsights Plugin
  4. After installing it, just activate the plugin
  5. Welcome to Monsterinsights page will appear
  6. Select 1 out of 3 categories that describe your business from a business website, Blog, Ecommerce
  7. Signup for Google Analytics with your Gmail account  and create a new analytics account
  8. And you will get an Analytics tracking id along with Google Analytics Code.
  9. Now, click on connect monster insights with the above analytics account
  10. After giving permission it will automatically fetch Analytics tracking id
  11. You will see an option, connect Google Analytics to your website
  12. Click on Complete connection, Congratulations you have installed Google Analytics to your WordPress site. Click on Save
  13. Now visit your analytics section. Your website is now connected with Google analytics.

How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress Without a Plugin?

You can also add Analytics code in the theme editor even without installing the plugin.

  •  Just login to your website admin panel.
  •  Click on appearance and then click on the editor option.
  • Create a Google Analytics account and after getting that analytic code.
  • Now copy the analytics code and paste it below the footer section and above the body section and save it.
  • You will also find out the header.php file. Follow the above step.
  • Now visit your website and Check analytics, it must be successfully configured.

But I would not recommend this step to you. In general it’s not a good practice to modify the original theme files of your WordPress website theme because these changes will be lost after theme updates.

How to Add Google Analytics to an HTML Website?

  • Visit and signup with your Gmail id
  • Create a new analytics account
  • Click on the website as a tracking option
  • Type an appropriate account name that represents your google analytics account
  • Enter your website name or URL
  • Select the Industry category and then select the time zone
  • After clicking on getting tracking id button you will get the tracking script along with tracking id, Now copy this analytics script
  • Login to c-panel of your Html website and click on the file manager
  • After clicking on public_html folder
  • Now click on idex.html and then click on edit
  • Now copy and paste google analytics code above the closing head tag and next click on save changes.
  • Similarly you can add it to all the pages of the website.
  • Now you have successfully configured google analytics code to your website.

Benefits of using Google Analytics tool:

Why you should use Google Analytics?

  • It is a free analytical tool by Google.
  • It is easy to use and monitor the website.
  • GA gives insights into the full website.
  • You can get real-time analyses of a webpage.
  • From G-Analytics you can know about the demography of your website visitors i.e their age, sex, location, etc.
  • GA gives insight to the top-performing content.
  • You can analyze and identify which Campaigns are performing well.
  • You will be able to identify which page is performing well and getting more impressions, clicks, CTR.
  • G-Analytics gives full statistics of your website and tells you which social media channel is performing well.
  • GA tells which device visitors use to browse your site, (whether it is mobile, desktop, or tablets).
  • It provides details about the type of browser visitors use to browse your site, (whether it is chrome, opera, safari, or UC browser).
  • Analytics helps in monitoring and optimizing your website SEO.
  • You can identify and learn about keywords insights of your website.
  • Set your goals and measure results.
  • It helps you in identifying conversions on your website.
  • Analytics helps you in comparing which digital marketing channel is giving better results(SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, Email marketing, Video marketing).
  • It helps you in analyzing your competitors and formulating your strategy accordingly.
  • G.A shows you the time duration a visitor stays on a specific page.
  • With  GA you will know about the acquisition overview and behavioral flow on the site.
  • It tells you about, How well do you retain users? (cohort analysis).
  • You can even use google analytics for multiple websites.
  • You can also learn the skills of optimizing your website. You just need to click on discover options available in the bottom right corner of the analytics dashboard.
  • It helps you in reducing the bounce rates. Bounce Rate= Total number of one-page visits/the total number of entries to a website. Lesser is the bounce rate, better is the website.
  • It helps you in benchmarking. It is an analytical approach through which you can analyze the performance of different platforms.
  • It tells you about user flow to the web-pages. Hence you can manage different stages in the digital Marketing Funnel(Awareness, Interest, Consideration, Intent Evaluation, Purchase)
  • Google Analytics helps you in collecting basic data from a website. This date will help you in setting up new strategies and goals for your website.


Now you can easily configure and install Google Analytics to your website. All the tools of Google are tremendous and give excellent results. This tool is free to integrate and use on the website. Google Analytics is a perfect tool for you if you understand how to use it properly. As discussed it will help you in monitoring, analyzing, optimizing, and increasing your conversion rates in Google Ads and in SEO. It gives results in the form of graphs. Google Analytics is the best free online tool available. It can even help you in monitoring your ROI. G-analytics is a backbone in measuring your digital marketing efforts. You have a competitive edge over your competitor if you use Google Analytics with your website. You just need to analyze the graphs and improve it for more impressions, clicks, and conversions. If you still have any queries then ask here.

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